Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Real-world data registries 

Real-world data registries will transform healthcare by capturing and analysing patient data from everyday clinical settings.

These registries provide valuable insights into how treatments work in real-life scenarios beyond the controlled environment of clinical trials.

By gathering data such as patient-reported outcomes and treatment responses, registries will help healthcare professionals personalise care, improve patient outcomes, and support cutting-edge research.

Whether you are a clinician, researcher, or patient, participating in these registries empowers better decision-making and accelerates the advancement of effective treatments.

Active real-world data registries 

The Society for Endocrinology has joined forces with PeopleWith to develop the next generation of real-world data registries, which will advance understanding and optimise patient care.

Register your site


What does this mean for you?















Why your participation matters

Your involvement in Real-World Data Registries will improve the quality of care for your patients and support research that will benefit the wider healthcare community. By contributing real-world insights, we can create a cycle of continuous improvement, helping patients now and in the future.

How can I get involved?

We're working on a condition-by-condition basis, with specific configuration, and targeting over 30 endocrine conditions over the next ten years. 

For more information, visit our FAQs section and fill out this form to regsiter your site

Frequently asked questions Register your site